Hi I am trying to follow this terribly written article to setup CRM to be part of a SQL alwayson availability group.
The part that is pissing me off is the create SQL logins. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj822357.aspx#BKMK_always_updateorg
So many errors with this post causing so much frustration. What is the actual correct Syntax for creating the key?
Obviously you have to use a UNC path to the CRM front end server. SQL doesnt like UNC and I think an earlier guy said it doesnt like double quotes. Here is what I have and it does not like it. Its hard to see but right before end I have two single quotes to close it. It's complaining about the \\ in the UNC path.
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.asymmetric_keys WHERE name = 'MSCRMSqlClrKey') BEGIN EXECUTE ('CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY MSCRMSqlClrKey FROM EXECUTABLE FILE ='\\CRM2013\C$\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\tools\Microsoft.Crm.SqlClr.Helper.dll'')END