I have been experiencing performance degradation on some production servers that previously were part of a SQL 2012 High availability Group.
I recently used a small window of opportunity to test the HADRON groups on some of my SQL Servers. Unusually because of the licencing and hardware high spec, identically setup servers required I had to take some of our servers out of the web production pool during a quiet period and use these for testing.
When the testing concluded, I removed all the HA SQL groups disabled, then removed the windows cluster and removed the cluster Feature from both of the servers and rebooted, but I see the following phantom queries.
()select table_id, item_guid, oplsn_fseqno, oplsn_bOffset, oplsn_slotid from[<dbname>].[sys].[filetable_updates_2105058535]with(readpast)orderby table_id
A reboot resolved the issue initially and although unhappy without knowing the root cause I decided not to spend any further time investigating as believed it was resolved. But I noticed a major hit on performance on those specific server again after 2-3 weeks and the queries have returned, if this happens during peak period I will be short of capacity and unable to reboot.
How can I completely remove trace of this as these are obviously protected system tables?.... there are still the odd days when I wished I was still allowed to meddle in those system tables :)