I am trying to replicate (using DoubleTake) and SQL Instance to another physical server. I am replicating the following folders to the target server:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA (System Databases and Logs)
D:\Data (User Databases)
The process runs without error, but when I fire up the Target server, it seems as if the Master database is "reset" to it original state as none of logins and user mappings from the source MASTER are present in it, but the logins and mappings that were present on the target are present in the Target MASTER.
I have worked with DT on this issue but they do not have any further ideas. Is the some way the Master database on the target gets reset to it's original state when SQL is started up? If so is there any way to prevent that?