This is a rare situation, but here's a projectplan I am currently evaluating. In my opinion this will not work. However, I can't find an answer. I found some documentation about setting up a single node cluster, but this is about a (traditional) 2008 cluster. This project is about migrating a sql 2008 cluster to a sql2012 alwayson solution. Here are the steps:
- break the 2-node 2008 cluster. Production will continue on node 1
- reinstall the 2nd node with windows 2012. install / activate clustering
- install sql2012 with alwayson for this node only
- restore database on 2nd node, test
- promote 2nd node to production
- reinstall 1st node and add to cluster
- alwayson is working
So the question is: will step 3 work? Can you install / configure / run always on with selecting one node?