I've searched a little while but couldn't find a good answer, just the Standard how to build, but never "how it operates"...
I have built a Default SQL FCI Cluster based on Windows 2012R2 and SQL 2012 Enterprise, this is working as ususal no worries from my side.
Then I wanted to extend the Cluster with the Desaster recovery Feature from availability Groups and added a 3rd node to the WSFC, built my availability Group with async commit and the listener for it.
Anyway my actual question is:
When performing Manual (for maintenance) or automatic Failover of the FCI instance I use the Failover Cluster Manager and when performing the Manual Failover to the Desaster node I use the SSMS, correct?
I worried because when performing the FCI instance Failover the AG listener Fails, clear why, but it just feels awkward. I didn't see a way to give the FCI instance a dependency to the listener so it would take it offline instead of failing it...
anyone has a tipp or operating experience for me with this?
Thanks in advance,