Hello Everyone
we have a cluster with 3 servers GA04 GA05 and OH02, GA04 and GA05 are configured to failover and be the same database server, if one is down the other is up (this have a database instance called SQLSRV_A), and OH02 is configured as a replica by AlwaysOn (with database instance called SQLSRV_B), today we had a failover between GA05 and GA04, this changed the primary node of insance A (from GA05 to GA04), this caused Availability replica on server OH02 down, but OH02 server never was down.
i have read a lot of information about Always on config but i cant find why this happend, i cant fix it neither, and i cant reconfigure replication on AlwaysOn from Zero, i checked ports and Endpoint URL and everithing looks ok, i restarted server OH02 and nothing.
i only have left to restart Primary server (both servers to avoid failover again) i think the issue was caused by failover, but im not sure, anyone have been in this situation?
thanks a lot.