Setup log shipping from an Australian SQL2008R2 server to a UK SQL2012 server. With the time involved to copy the large backup file across a WAN link, we end up with around 2 days of log backups since the full backup.
- The Full Backup is restored to the UK Server to create a new database in norecovery mode.
- The first log backup file is manually copied to the UK server and restored.
- Start the Log Ship copy SQL Agent job - starts copying files prior the full backup on the Australian server. Copies 1 Log backup file and then fails.
- Manually copy the next Log backup file to the UL server.
- Start the Log Ship Restore SQL Agent job and runs successfully and restores the Log file.
- Start the Log Ship copy SQL Agent job - AGAIN it starts trying to copy files prior to the Full Backup. IS this correct behaviour? I thought it should only copy Log files since the full backup.
Any help much appreciated.