Lots of posts on this topic but I cannot seem to connect the dots. I want to make a copy_only backup of my ReportServer in order to move it to another server because I need the original online while I am workingon this.
When I attempt to follow this 2012 article:
Which doesn't seem to change from this 2008 article:
I am able to back up the Dbs but not their logs. I get the following error:
/* Msg 4214, Level 16, State 1, Line 10 BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 10 BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally. */
If I run the following I return NULL which leads me to believe that the system is not seeing the fact that I just made a full backup using the TSQL logic in the first article.
/* select last_log_backup_lsn from sys.database_recovery_status where database_id = db_id('ReportServer') */
I can validate that the recovery_model was originally SIMPLE before my attempt by executing the following. I can see that the process from the first URL indeed changed the recovery_model to FULL and I can see that the is_copy_only is set to 1 for all of my attempts.
/* select * from msdb..backupset where database_name = 'ReportServer' order by backup_start_date */
Further, I attempted to make the same backups using SSMS and get the same error.
Most posts throughout the Internet speak that there needs to be a full backup before taking the log backup. Well, that happened and nothing is running that I can see that would have changed the recovery_model. I looked at job and maintenance plan execution and tried the routine during a period of inactivity to no avail.
So, 2 questions:
1. Does the statement that you need a full backup first imply that I have to have a full backup of the DB without copy_only before I can do the copy_only with the transaction log?
2. Does anyone have an idea of what I should be looking for, some missing gem in the backup logic that I am missing?
Much thanks in advance for taking the time to look at this.