I have windows server 2012 R2 Standard and SQL 2014 Standard.
I have built a cluster with 2 Nodes and 2 SQL Instances using Clustered Shard volumes
Per my understanding, Clustered Shared Volumes can be shared between multiple instances, i.e. a single CSV can have database files from multiple instances. So, this makes believe that we cannot add CSV as dependency for the SQL resource
i.e, I cannot add that CSV as dependency for SQL server resource. is this true?
In traditional cluster, we can add disk as dependency for the SQL Server Resource.
One other strange thing, I noticed was - SQL Server seems to be running even when the CSV were offline. I intentionally, took the CSV offline (under storage in cluster manager), but the SQL Server Resource was still running. Of course, I could not connect to the instance using ssms.
I am surprised why was the SQL resource is in running state when the CSVs were offline. should it not go to a failed state. is this something to do with csv cache?
any thoughts?
Hope it Helps!!