What we use today to connect with a named CLUSTER INSTANCE is SQLcap+Ins Nam+ Port.
SQL’s CAP | Instance Name | Port | Connectoid | While this works |
SQLa | Default | M | SQLa | SQLa |
SQLb | Xx | N | SQLb\Xx,N | SQLb |
SQLc | Yy | O | SQLc\Yy,O | SQLc |
We can set it up to work with SQLcap + Ins Nam + Port only, after changing the PORT to 1433.
Benefits is that users get rid of
- A mumbo-jumbo (SQLcap+Ins Nam+ Port) and uses an easier to remember token.
- Maintaining a connection string with (SQLcap+ Ins Nam+ Port).
- Creating aliases in case of migration or planed exodus.
- Easier renames.
- And we can delete the browser service DLL to save disk space (joking).
Effort Needed
- Ammend the SPN creation method .
- Update support guide lines that actually this [SQLcap
+ Ins Nam + Port] is this [SQLcap+Ins Nam+ Port].
So token is not actually what you get from select @@servername (which remains SQLcap+ Ins Nam).
This has been tested & works with…
- SQL Server Native Client.
- MS OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.
Now this is worthwhile for fat setups (multiple SQL FCI consolidated on a single WSFC). Kindly share your thoughts if you’ve done this in the past or any good/bad experience around this.