Hi All
Let me explain the our environment and will tell you the issue what we are facing
We have always configured with FCI+Stand Alone
FCI - has three nodes and one shared drive for Quorum and Stand alone - Act as DR.
Node1 - A ; Node2 - B; Node3 - C - (Primary Replica)
Node4- D- (Secondary)
We have configured AG for a set of Databases in this. And we are facing an issue when we are performing the test in this environment. We are trying failover from Node1 (A) to Node (B) it works fine without any issue. Even after the Failover the AG group automatically fails over to Node2(B) and SQL is up and online.
And when we perform the failover from Node2 (B) to Node1 (A) or Node3 (C)SQL Services are coming online without any issue but Always on Services were not failed over to respective nodes and we see the AG is resolving state and also Databases are in Recovery pending. And when I stop the AG role and start it back and it come online with out any issue on the respective node and I could see the databases online and able to access with out any issue
Can any one suggest on this
Revathi J