I have been tasked with building a Highly Available SQL server. This server will be the database used for a Citrix DaaS environment. Always on SQL is not necessarily required, but an extended outage is not acceptable.
I have 2 nodes: Node 1 and Node 2 - I have configured MS Fail over cluster on both Nodes.
I have available 500GB Block storage that has been presented to both nodes.
I have configured my cluster and gone through validation, but validation states: "No disks were found on which to perform cluster validation tests"
The disks are online in the Cluster management console.
My question, do I need to have a failover cluster if I am using block storage? My drive is a block storage volume that has its own life cycle management. Database files that are stored in block storage can easily be moved to another SQL Server in case of disaster.
Is there any advantage in using the recover ability of block storage and the availability of MS clustering?
Many Thanks,