I was reviewing the configuration of a SQL AO AG yesterday and noticed that someone had changed the votes on 2 of the nodes. I am trying to figure out why this would have been done and what the results are from this change.
This particular AG is built on 3 Windows 2012R2 servers with SQL 2014. There are 2 servers in the primary datacenter and 1 server in the backup datacenter. The 2 servers in the primary site are in automatic failover and the backup site node is set to manual failover. DB01 is the primary node with all databases active there.
The node weight has been changed from the normal, each node has a vote, to the backup site node has no vote and the primary site nodes each have 1 vote with one node having a current vote of 1 and the other node having a current vote of 0. we are not using a fileshare witness. Here is what it looks like in failover cluster manager.
Given this configuration, What would happen if DB02 shut down? would the cluster shutdown the remaining nodes (and the SQL AG) because there is no fsw and DB03 has no vote? Or would the cluster failover to db01 and the current vote would be 1? Can someone explain what might be the possible outcomes using this?