We are running a two Server Always On HADR system with enabled Automatic Seeding. Both SQL Servers are Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise (64-bit) with Build 14.0.3029.16 and both are running on Windows Server 2016 Standard (10.0). Assigned memory is 4096 MB to 432128 MB. Disk space is enough on both servers and performance Tuning options like "Lock pages in memory" are set.
From time to time the automatic Seeding process will not start. In the DMV sys.dm_hadr_automatic_seeding the current_state is CHECK_IF_SEEDING_NEEDED and after a couple of seconds it changes to FAILED. The failure_state_desc then shows "Seeding Check Message Timeout".
The last database we had this problem was just 8 GB. The Problem can be easily solved by removing the DB from the Availability Group and adding it again. Then it is working without problems.
Where can I enhance this timeout?
What could delay the check if seeding needed?
Do you need more information?
Thanks for the help.
Kind Regards