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Failed to add node to cluster


Hello.  I can't add a note to newly created cluster.  It timeout while waiting for a response from the node being added.  I've gone through a lot of posts regarding this topic but none has resolved my issue.

Failover cluster is currently configured on Guest A and I'm trying to add Guest B to the cluster.

Host: Win2008R2 Hyper-V Core, Firewall disabled, SEP AV
Guests: Win2008 R2 Ent, Firewall disabled, no AV
User account: Domain and local admin

I've tried the steps listed here http://sqlserverscribbles.com/2013/06/17/windows-cluster-freezes-at-waiting-for-notification-that-node-is-a-fully-functional-member-of-the-cluster/

Only exception is I haven't disabled SEP on the Host Hyper-V but based on what I've read it shouldn't have any impact because the virtual network is supposed to act like it's on a switch.


6:17:37.565 INFO  [DCM] Processing message dcm/connectivityCheck
6:17:37.565 INFO  [DCM] ConnectivityCheck optimize = false
6:17:37.565 INFO  [DCM] NET 5ca4d5ed-a7f4-412c-a1f3-ac28a04266e7 metric 10000
6:17:37.565 INFO  [DCM]     node 1 interface <obj sig='ITFC' id='20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d' name='SGCTRSQ004 - Local Area Connection'/>node Id:'1' adapterName:'Microsoft Virtual Machine Bus Network Adapter' addrPrefixSet:'<set size='1'>
6:17:37.565 INFO      <item></item>
6:17:37.565 INFO  </set>
6:17:37.565 INFO  '
6:17:37.565 INFO  [IM] State calculation complete without issuing pings
6:17:37.565 INFO  [IM] Resetting interface state calculation state
6:17:37.581 DBG   [NETFTAPI] received NsiParameterNotification  for ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996 (IpDadStatePreferred )
6:17:37.581 DBG   [NETFTAPI] received NsiParameterNotification  for (IpDadStatePreferred )
6:17:37.581 INFO  [NM] Received request from client address ::1.
6:17:37.581 DBG   [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftRemoteReachable  event, local address remote address
6:17:37.581 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] Got remote route reachable from netft evm. Setting state to Up for route from to
6:17:37.581 INFO  [IM] got event: Remote endpoint reachable from
6:17:37.581 INFO  [IM] Route from to is already up, not sending report
6:17:37.581 INFO  [TM] got event: Remote endpoint reachable from
6:17:37.581 INFO  [FTW] NetFT is ready after 0 msecs wait.
6:17:37.581 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] Route is up and NetFT is ready. Connecting to node sgctrsq003 on virtual IP fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c%19:~3343~
6:17:38.708 DBG   [NETFTAPI] received NsiParameterNotification  for ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996 (IpDadStatePreferred )
6:17:40.712 DBG   [NETFTAPI] received NsiParameterNotification  for (IpDadStatePreferred )
6:17:58.622 INFO  [NODE] Node 1: New join with n2: stage: 'Establish Connection over NetFT Adapter' status WSAETIMEDOUT(10060) reason: 'Failed to connect to remote endpoint fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c%19:~3343~'
6:17:58.622 INFO  [CORE] Node 1: Clearing cookie 02f18184-4755-459f-a275-3bd47b804bab
6:18:38.606 INFO  [ACCEPT] Accepted inbound connection from remote endpoint
6:18:38.606 INFO  [SV] Securing route from ( to remote  (
6:18:38.606 INFO  [SV] Got a new incoming stream from
6:18:38.622 INFO  [SV] Authentication and authorization were successful
6:18:38.622 INFO  [SV] Security Handshake successful while obtaining SecurityContext for NetFT driver
6:18:38.622 INFO  [VER] Got new TCP connection. Exchanging version data.
6:18:38.622 INFO  [VER] Checking version compatibility for node sgctrsq003 id 2 with following versions: highest [Major 6 Minor 7601 Upgrade 7 ClusterVersion 0x00061DB1], lowest [Major 6 Minor 7601 Upgrade 7 ClusterVersion 0x00061DB1].
6:18:38.622 INFO  [VER] Version check passed: node and cluster highest supported versions match.
6:18:38.622 INFO  [SV] Negotiating message security level.
6:18:38.622 INFO  [SV] Already protecting connection with message security level 'Sign'.
6:18:38.622 INFO  [FTI] Got new raw TCP/IP connection.
6:18:38.622 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] This node (1) is initiator
6:18:38.622 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] Trying to select best endpoints among, ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~3343~ (first pair) and, fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~3343~ (second pair)
6:18:38.622 INFO  [StreamDb] Route virtual ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~0~ to virtual fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~0~ added
6:18:38.622 INFO  [NETFT] Route <struct mscs::FaultTolerantRoute>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <realLocal></realLocal>
6:18:38.622 DBG   [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftRemoteUnreachable  event, local address remote address
6:18:38.622 INFO    <realRemote></realRemote>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <virtualLocal>ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~0~</virtualLocal>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <virtualRemote>fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~0~</virtualRemote>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <Delay>1000</Delay>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <Threshold>5</Threshold>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <Priority>99</Priority>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <Attributes>2147483649</Attributes>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </struct mscs::FaultTolerantRoute>
6:18:38.622 INFO   removed
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] got event: Remote endpoint unreachable from
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] Marking Route from to as down
6:18:38.622 INFO  [CORE] Node 1: Clearing cookie 02f18184-4755-459f-a275-3bd47b804bab
6:18:38.622 INFO  [NDP] Checking to see if all routes for route (virtual) local ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~0~ to remote fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~0~ are down
6:18:38.622 INFO  [NDP] All routes for route (virtual) local ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~0~ to remote fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~0~ are down
6:18:38.622 WARN  mscs::ListenerWorker::operator (): HrError(0xd0000043)' because of '::NetftAddRoute( handle.handle, netFtRoute.get(), &netftSecurityContext )'
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] Adding information for route Route from local to remote, status: false, attributes: 0
6:18:38.622 ERR   [IM] Unable to find adapter
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] Sending connectivity report to leader (node 1): <class mscs::InterfaceReport>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <fromInterface>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</fromInterface>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <upInterfaces><vector len='1'>
6:18:38.622 INFO      <item>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</item>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </upInterfaces>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <downInterfaces><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </downInterfaces>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <viewId>001</viewId>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </class mscs::InterfaceReport>
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] Leader got report <class mscs::InterfaceReport>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <fromInterface>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</fromInterface>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <upInterfaces><vector len='1'>
6:18:38.622 INFO      <item>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</item>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </upInterfaces>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <downInterfaces><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </downInterfaces>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <viewId>001</viewId>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </class mscs::InterfaceReport>
6:18:38.622 INFO   from 1
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] 1 reports in state calculator queue
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] State calculator got new report from 20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] 0 reports in state calculator queue
6:18:38.622 INFO  (allSplitGroups, splitGroups) = [IM] Calculated interface state result: <class mscs::InterfaceResult>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <up><vector len='1'>
6:18:38.622 INFO      <item>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</item>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </up>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <down><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </down>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <unreachable><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </unreachable>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </class mscs::InterfaceResult>
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] Issuing state change gum with result <class mscs::InterfaceResult>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <up><vector len='1'>
6:18:38.622 INFO      <item>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</item>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </up>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <down><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </down>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <unreachable><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </unreachable>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </class mscs::InterfaceResult>
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] Changing the state of adapters according to result: <class mscs::InterfaceResult>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <up><vector len='1'>
6:18:38.622 INFO      <item>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</item>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </up>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <down><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </down>
6:18:38.622 INFO    <unreachable><vector len='0'>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </vector>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </unreachable>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </class mscs::InterfaceResult>
6:18:38.622 INFO  [DCM] Processing message dcm/connectivityCheck
6:18:38.622 INFO  [DCM] ConnectivityCheck optimize = false
6:18:38.622 INFO  [DCM] NET 5ca4d5ed-a7f4-412c-a1f3-ac28a04266e7 metric 10000
6:18:38.622 INFO  [DCM]     node 1 interface <obj sig='ITFC' id='20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d' name='SGCTRSQ004 - Local Area Connection'/>node Id:'1' adapterName:'Microsoft Virtual Machine Bus Network Adapter' addrPrefixSet:'<set size='1'>
6:18:38.622 INFO      <item></item>
6:18:38.622 INFO  </set>
6:18:38.622 INFO  '
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] State calculation complete without issuing pings
6:18:38.622 INFO  [IM] Resetting interface state calculation state
6:18:38.637 DBG   [NETFTAPI] received NsiParameterNotification  for ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996 (IpDadStateDeprecated )
6:18:38.637 INFO  [NM] Received request from client address ::1.
6:18:38.637 DBG   [NETFTAPI] received NsiParameterNotification  for (IpDadStateDeprecated )
6:18:38.637 DBG   [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftLocalDisconnect  event for ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996
6:18:38.637 INFO  [IM] got event: Local endpoint ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~0~ disconnected
6:18:38.669 DBG   [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftLocalDisconnect  event for
6:18:38.669 INFO  [IM] got event: Local endpoint disconnected
6:18:38.669 DBG   [NETFTAPI] received NsiDeleteInstance  for fe80::5efe:
6:18:38.669 WARN  [NETFTAPI] Failed to query parameters for fe80::5efe: (status 80070490)
6:18:38.669 DBG   [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftLocalAdd  event for fe80::5efe:
6:18:38.684 WARN  [NETFTAPI] Failed to query parameters for fe80::5efe: (status 80070490)
6:18:38.684 DBG   [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftLocalRemove  event for fe80::5efe:
6:19:33.846 INFO  [QUORUM] Node 1: after eviction cluster will still have quorum <QuorumConfig tag='0:0:1' set='(1 2)' weights='(1)'/>
6:19:33.846 INFO  [QM] EvictNode Gum Handler sgctrsq003
6:19:33.846 INFO  [QUORUM] EvictCount for node 2 is incremented to 3
6:19:34.268 ERR   [RHS] RhsCall::Perform_NativeEH: ERROR_NOT_READY(21)' because of 'Startup routine for ResType MSMQ returned 21.'
6:19:34.300 ERR   [RHS] RhsCall::Perform_NativeEH: ERROR_NOT_READY(21)' because of 'Startup routine for ResType MSMQTriggers returned 21.'
6:19:39.684 INFO  [ACCEPT] Accepted inbound connection from remote endpoint
6:19:39.684 INFO  [SV] Securing route from ( to remote  (
6:19:39.684 INFO  [SV] Got a new incoming stream from
6:19:39.700 INFO  [SV] Authentication and authorization were successful
6:19:39.700 INFO  [SV] Security Handshake successful while obtaining SecurityContext for NetFT driver
6:19:39.700 INFO  [VER] Got new TCP connection. Exchanging version data.
6:19:39.700 INFO  [VER] Checking version compatibility for node sgctrsq003 id 2 with following versions: highest [Major 6 Minor 7601 Upgrade 7 ClusterVersion 0x00061DB1], lowest [Major 6 Minor 7601 Upgrade 7 ClusterVersion 0x00061DB1].
6:19:39.700 INFO  [VER] Version check passed: node and cluster highest supported versions match.
6:19:39.700 INFO  [SV] Negotiating message security level.
6:19:39.700 INFO  [SV] Already protecting connection with message security level 'Sign'.
6:19:39.700 INFO  [FTI] Got new raw TCP/IP connection.
6:19:39.700 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] This node (1) is initiator
6:19:39.700 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] Trying to select best endpoints among, ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~3343~ (first pair) and, fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~3343~ (second pair)
6:19:39.700 INFO  [StreamDb] Route virtual ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~0~ to virtual fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~0~ added
6:19:39.700 INFO  [NETFT] Added route <struct mscs::FaultTolerantRoute>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <realLocal></realLocal>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <realRemote></realRemote>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <virtualLocal>ef80::59g3:29d1:ff68:6996:~3343~</virtualLocal>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <virtualRemote>fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~3343~</virtualRemote>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <Delay>1000</Delay>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <Threshold>5</Threshold>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <Priority>99</Priority>
6:19:39.700 INFO    <Attributes>1</Attributes>
6:19:39.700 INFO  </struct mscs::FaultTolerantRoute>
6:19:39.700 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] waiting for route to node sgctrsq003 on virtual IP fe80::5c1a:c21e:713c:607c:~3343~ to come up
6:19:39.715 DBG   [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftRemoteReachable  event, local address remote address
6:19:39.715 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] Got remote route reachable from netft evm. Setting state to Up for route from to
6:19:39.715 INFO  [IM] got event: Remote endpoint reachable from
6:19:39.715 INFO  [IM] Marking Route from to as up
6:19:39.715 INFO  [TM] got event: Remote endpoint reachable from
6:19:39.715 INFO  [IM] Adding information for route Route from local to remote, status: true, attributes: 0
6:19:39.715 INFO  [FTI][Initiator] Got remote route reachable from netft evm. Setting state to Up for route from to
6:19:39.715 ERR   [IM] Unable to find adapter
6:19:39.715 INFO  [IM] Sending connectivity report to leader (node 1): <class mscs::InterfaceReport>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <fromInterface>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</fromInterface>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <upInterfaces><vector len='1'>
6:19:39.715 INFO      <item>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</item>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </vector>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </upInterfaces>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <downInterfaces><vector len='0'>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </vector>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </downInterfaces>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <viewId>001</viewId>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </class mscs::InterfaceReport>
6:19:39.715 INFO  [IM] Leader got report <class mscs::InterfaceReport>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <fromInterface>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</fromInterface>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <upInterfaces><vector len='1'>
6:19:39.715 INFO      <item>20472c3b-c21a-4e07-83a6-ffd6fd20dd2d</item>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </vector>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </upInterfaces>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <downInterfaces><vector len='0'>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </vector>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </downInterfaces>
6:19:39.715 INFO    <viewId>001</viewId>
6:19:39.715 INFO  </class mscs::InterfaceReport>

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