I have the following configuration:
2 Windows 2016 datacenter
- Windows failover cluster created and configured with a share withness
- Installation sql 2016 Datacenter
The next step is to enable high availability but when i go to the high availability tab of the sql service within the sql Server configuration manager application im unable to select anything. On the screen the error message
An error occured while loading the AlwaysOn High Availability properties [return code: 0x80070002].
i have followed the procedure from the website https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/36143.sql-server-2016-step-by-step-creating-alwayson-availability-group.aspx
the validation test only reports a warning about the network adapters not being redundant.
I have tried this with the sql service account, domain admin account and local administrator account.
Any help would be much appreciated.
with kind regards,