I executed a query using SQLCMD on 2019-01-30
and the query caused ldf file to bloat exponentially and it became 2TB in size(2,216,539,357
rows), then my MSSQL started rollback of transaction at 2019-02-01
I used KILL
to monitor the rollback process: progress of rollback was about 2%
a day for first two weeks, afterwards the rollback process got stuck at 22% from 2019-02-14
and it's still there today.
I'd appreciate if I can get expert opinion on if there is any way to fix this issue - how to stop or speed up rollback?
Please find below code details about this issue:
BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @m int SELECT @m = @@ERROR DECLARE @tbname_old varchar(50) = 'OTS_ARCHIVE' DECLARE @tbname_new varchar(50) = 'OTS_ARCHIVE2' DECLARE @column_old varchar(30) = 'GuID_ID' DECLARE @column_new varchar(30) = 'GuID_ID_old' DECLARE @sql varchar(50) = '[' + @tbname_new + '].[' + @column_old + ']' DECLARE @sqlid varchar(100) = 'CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(10)) + CAST(GETDATE() AS BINARY(6)) AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)' DECLARE @date as datetime DECLARE @i int DECLARE @f int set @date = '2017-01-01' set @i = 0 set @f = 27 WHILE @i < @f BEGIN EXEC ('INSERT INTO ' + @tbname_new + ' select GuID_ID ,Box_ID ,Start_Time ,End_Time ,Duration_Time ,ots_count ,Group_ID ,' + @sqlid + ' from ' + @tbname_old ) END IF @m = 0 COMMIT TRAN ELSE ROLLBACK TRAN SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber, ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity, ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState, ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure, ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine, ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage