Hi All,
We have built the active-passive SQL fail over cluster successfully (Node& Disk majority) , prior cluster disk encryption, the SQL failover cluster services moving successfully between the nodes & SQl & MSDTC services coming online automatically on nodes.
Due to some security compliance, We need to do encrypt the cluster disks + OS disks (~ $C & $D,) ( third party vendor ), but post encryption, the SQL cluster is not fail over as expected and disks are taking more time to coming online & initializing , And then it’s leading SQL cluster fail over services failed , Once disks are initiated & coming online, then need to bring SQl failover services manually online.
- Is MSSQl failover cluster shared disks will support encryption or not
- What are parameters need to change in SQL failover cluster services to bring services online automatically if encrypted the cluster disks (RDM)
Thank you in advance
Regards, Kiron