Hi guys im writing right now because im in the brink of staring a new proyect in my company wich consist in to create a non dissaster architecture for the database that we are using in my company...
The architecture will consist in do a "mirror" server with a virtual machine that will be paired with a asyncronous server that only will "copyng" the info of the mirrored server...
Making it simpler:
Server 1 (the one we use) <=> Server 2 (The same in a Virtual Machine) <= Server 3 (Pshysically in a different place only "copyng" the data of Server 2 and is a physical Server too).
The thing is that we are wanting to make some kind of way that if the 1st Server went down the next one available could have all the data up and running with all the information that has the 1st one and so the 3rd is making a back up of the 1st or 2nd Server so if the VM or the principal server fails we have in another place a server that has all the data of our principal database. This could be possible or we are doing some fuzzy things in here?
I was reading that this could be possible if i use AlwaysOn Availability Groups features to do this but the problem is that in my company we use Sql Server 2012 Standard Edition and we cant afford an Enterprice Edition License.
My question is if its has a way to do the architecture that i present in this topic with the tools that provide Sql Server Standard Edition.
I hope you can help me to solve this issue because im really new in this kind of things...
Thank you very my in advance.
PD: Sorry for my English im not a Native English user.