Hi All,
Description :
We have One server with 2 instances with 75 DB's.All the Databases size is 135 GB.We would like to setup new Disaster Recovery Server for this existing sever.So i need to build new server as DR Server and install SQL SERVER like Primary server.I need to take full of backup of all Primary server , need to restore full backups in DR Server . Once initial Synchronization is completed i need to configure LogShipping as DR Solution. So For this we are going to configure Logshipping as DR Solution between servers.
Problem :
I need to configure Log shipping for all 75 Db's in primary server to all 75 db's in secondary server.
I dont want to configure logshipping for all these 75 db's by using SSMS. I want to configure logshipping By using Scripts.
My Questions :
We want to configure logshipping as DR Recovery between primary server and secondary server by using Scripts only
Q1). I want single script for taking Tlog Backup of all these 75 DB's in primary server?
Q2). I want single script for copying all these Tlog backup files to secondary server (DR Server) ?
Q3). I want single script for restore all these TLOG Backup files in secondary server (Newly DR Server) ?
Q4). I want one more script for alerts like restore is completed successfully?
Could you please provide me the Scripts ASAP.As I want to configure logshipping using Scripts only
Venkat S THOTA