Whenever I query AvailabilityReplica.Role property it is always “Unknown” for all the replica servers participating in the AAG except for the one that I’m making the call on.
I do not see this problem when I make the call on primary replica server.
Any idea why it behaves like this and how to get the right information? I do not want to make call to each replica server to get the details.
See the output below.
AAG details:
AAG name: Lakers_Fluke
AAG Parent: [fluke]
AAG Primary Replica Server Name: LAKERS
AAG State: Existing
AAG Local Replica Role: Secondary
Replica Server 1.
AAG replica name: FLUKE
AAG Parent: [Lakers_Fluke]
AAG State: Existing
AAG replica mode: AsynchronousCommit
AAG SConnection tate: Connected
AAG Operational State: Online
AAG Role: Secondary
Replica Server 2.
AAG replica name: LAKERS
AAG Parent: [Lakers_Fluke]
AAG State: Existing
AAG replica mode: AsynchronousCommit
AAG SConnection tate: Unknown
AAG Operational State: Unknown
AAG Role: Unknown
Replica Server 3.
AAG replica name: WARRIORSAAG Parent: [Lakers_Fluke]
AAG State: Existing
AAG replica mode: AsynchronousCommit
AAG SConnection tate: Unknown
AAG Operational State: Unknown
AAG Role: Unknown