We have 2 nodes SQL 2008 Server 2008 R2 cluster installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 W/SP1 Operating System.
I have the following issue:
I need to bring cluster resource manually onling frequntly plus I found the following error in cluster event:
Event: 1587
Cluster file server resource 'Resource Name' failed a health check. This was because some of its shared folders were inaccessible. Verify that the folders are accessible from clients. Additionally, confirm the state of the Server service on this cluster node using Server Manager and look for other events related to the Server service on this cluster node.
Event: 1205
The Cluster service failed to bring clustered service or application 'SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)' completely online or offline. One or more resources may be in a failed state. This may impact the availability of the clustered service or application.
Event: 1069
Cluster resource 'Resource Name' in clustered service or application 'SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)' failed.
Abduljalil Abolzahab